Project supported by the Fujian Institute of Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. FJCXY18040303), the Youth Innovation Promotion of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 2013004), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51676198 and 51771067).
Project supported by the Fujian Institute of Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. FJCXY18040303), the Youth Innovation Promotion of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 2013004), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51676198 and 51771067).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the Fujian Institute of Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. FJCXY18040303), the Youth Innovation Promotion of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. 2013004), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51676198 and 51771067).
The organic–inorganic hybrid (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4 (EA2CuCl4) single crystals are prepared by the solvothermal condition method. The x-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, dielectric permittivity, pyroelectric current, and heat capacity are used to systematically investigate the electrocaloric performances of EA2CuCl4. The pyroelectric currents are measured under various voltages, and the electrocaloric effect (ECE) is calculated. Its ECE exhibits an isothermal entropy change of 0.0028 J/kg · K under an electric field of 30 kV/cm associated with a relatively broad temperature span. Further, the maximum pyroelectric coefficient (p) is 4× 10−3 C/m21 · K and the coefficient β for generating ECE from electric displacement D is 1.068× 108 J · cm · K−1 · C−2 at 240 K. Our results indicate that the ECE behavior of organic–inorganic hybrid EA2CuCl4 is in accordance with Jona and Shirane’s opinion in which the ECE should occur both below and above the Curie temperature Tc.
Applying an electric field to a dielectric material may produce a large change in the material polarization, and the associated entropy changes may be explored for a broad range of applications such as in chip cooling and temperature regulation for sensors and electronic devices.[1] According to the Maxwell relation between the pyroelectric coefficient and the electrocaloric effect (ECE),
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To date, in the ECE area, besides searching the ways to improve the properties with high temperature change (ΔT) and extensive entropy variation (ΔS), caloric effects of the already known FE compounds, for new promising materials, and for novel designs of operation of electrocaloric measurements,[11–13] the researchers have also been interested in the understanding of the mechanism behind the ECE which is not yet established,[14] especially to the relation between the FE phase transition temperature (Curie temperature Tc) and the existing temperature zone of prominent ECE. Fatuzzo and Merz claim that the ECE exists only above Tc in ferroelectrics, where the P is finite in application of E.[15] Mitsui, Tatsuzaki, and Nakamura argued that the ECE does not exist above Tc but is measurable below Tc, where the P changes with temperature (T).[16] Jona and Shirane showed that their results are not in accord with the above results and indicated that the effect occurs both above and below Tc.[17] Afterwards Scott pointed out that first-order FE phase transitions can take place in a wide range of temperatures above Tc, at which E can still induce P and the ECE usually reaches a maximum value in this range.[18,19] However, for second-order transitions, the ECE is often nearly non-existent above Tc.[20,21] In this respect, this important issue about the dependence of ΔS and maximum entropy ΔSmax(E, T) on temperature is worthy to be studied experimentally.
Here in this work, we choose the organic–inorganic hybrid (C2H5NH3)2CuCl4 (EA2CuCl4), which belongs to the family of the organic–inorganic hybrid halide perovskite materials, to investigate its pyroelectric and electrocaloric effects. The family of the organic–inorganic hybrid halide perovskite materials has been intensely studied due to photonic, electronic, and potential cooling agent properties.[22–24] The EA2CuCl4 exhibits a low-dimensional layered perovskite structure consisting of staggered layers of corner sharing CuCl6 octahedron separated by two layers of ethylammonium group (C2H5NH3)+.[25] It undergoes a series of structural phase transitions due to the Jahn–Teller effect combined with the arrangement orientational order and conformation of the organic molecules of the (C2H5NH3)+ chains.[26,27] It was reported as a multiferroic material with a large P value in FE phase.[25–27] Its FE–PE (paraelectric) transition is continuous with a second-order phase transition around 247 K ascribed to an unchanged space group Pbca below 330 K.[26,27] To testify the correlation between ΔS distribution with respect to T and phase transition temperature, in this paper, the fundamental study on ECE in a prototype organic–inorganic hybrid EA2CuCl4 is conducted.
The EA2CuCl4 single crystals used in this investigation were prepared by a solvothermal condition method from an aqueous solution, which contained stoichiometrically C2H5NH2 · HCl and CuCl2 · 2H2O. The solution was placed in a 100-ml flat beaker then heated at 70 °C in a thermostat for 3 days. Then the beaker was placed at room temperature (RT) for 5 days for crystallizing the solution by the method of slow evaporation. The obtained crystals were yellow square plates in shape, typically 5 mm× 5 mm (ab plane) in area and 0.25 mm in thickness. The crystals were stored in Ar protective atmosphere. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiment was performed at RT by using a Rigaku Smart Lab diffraction system combined with Cu-Kα radiation, λ = 1.54184 Å. A scanning electron microscopy (SEM, S-3400 N, Hitachi, Japan) was used to investigate the layered morphology along the [100] direction of EA2CuCl4. All electrical measurements were carried out in a cryogen-free superconducting magnet system (Oxford Instruments, Teslatron PT) with a homemade probe. Silver epoxy was painted on the crystals. The dielectric permittivity was measured by an Agilent 4980 A inductance capacitance–resistance (LCR) meter. The pyroelectric currents were recorded by a Keithley 6517B electrometer. Before the pyroelectric current measurements, the specimen was prepolarized by the electric field from the 300 K (PE phase) into 200 K (FE phase). After removing the polarized electric field and releasing space charges for 30 min until the background current J was less than 0.02 pA, the pyroelectric currents were then collected with increasing temperature. The electric polarization P was obtained by integrating the pyroelectric currents with respect to time. The heat capacity was measured by using a physical property measurement system (Quantum Design).
![]() | Fig. 1. XRD diffraction patterns of powder EA2CuCl4 and single crystalline sample along [100] direction (the inset) at RT. |
The dielectric permittivity (ε) and its loss tangent (tan δ) along the [100] direction of the EA2CuCl4 crystal as a function of temperature in a frequency range of 1 kHz–1 MHz are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Dielectric permittivity (ε) and loss tangent (tan δ) (inset) versus temperature, with dashed lines indicating Tc and Tf. Dielectric phase transition is observed at Tc = 250 K. |
We also measure the pyroelectric current J along the [100] direction in an electric field
In terms of the previous literature, these two peaks located, respectively, at 232 K and 240 K on J–T curves should arise from different types of structural orderings of the compound.[25–27] The determined temperature at which the material undergoes a second-order phase transition is Tc = 250 K according to ε–T measurements. A delayed maximum peak at 240 K in J–T measurements corresponding to the FE phase transition at Tc in ε–T and tan δ–T curves. It is related to the reorientation of the organic chains among four equivalent orientations inside the cavity of the CuCl6 octahedron.[25,32] The additional transition temperature at 232 K in J–T curve is coupled to the wide dip indicated by symbol “*” in ε–T and tan δ–T curves which is related to structural change caused by ferroelastic deformation.[25–27]
It is noteworthy that the polarization intensity P is far from saturation due to our limited experimental applied voltage. As the
Pyroelectric current J is measurable and changeable with E until 275 K above Tc. This pyroelectric current behavior is in accordance with that from the Jona and Shirane’s viewpoint in which the ECE exists both above and below Tc.[17] However, considering Scott’s principle in a phase-transition-type way of ECE, the J–T behavior reflects against the second-order phase transition instead of first-order type since the ECE is maintained till 275 K above Tc. This conclusion on the order type of FE phase transition in EA2CuCl4 needs further clarifyingthrough in-depth study of crystal structure.[33]
The pyroelectric coefficient p in different values of E is presented in Fig.
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Electrocaloric effect is calculated by an indirect method, and the calculation formula of specific entropy (ΔS) under isothermal condition can be expressed as follows:
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We further perform the measurement of the heat capacity in zero field (Fig.
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![]() | Fig. 6. Plot of heat capacity versus temperature at zero field. Inset displays temperature-dependent derivative of heat capacity with respect to temperature. |
As organic–inorganic hybrid EA2CuCl4 develops a polar phase arising from the arrangement orientational order and configuration of the organic molecules of the (C2H5NH3)+ chains,[25] the entropy change ΔS is proportional to the square of the electric displacement change based on the thermodynamic phenomenological theory,[40,41] and described by the following equation:
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From Fig.
![]() | Fig. 7. Relation between ΔS and D2 at 240 K for EA2CuCl4. From slope (solid fitting line) β coefficient is obtained. |
From the above measurements and analysis, though the ΔSmax are smaller than those from the most conspicuous electrocaloric materials, EA2CuCl4 shows a consistent ECE behavior according to the Jona and Shirane’s viewpoints. The FE phase transition at Tc = 250 K contributes to the ΔSmax below Tc, producing ΔS above Tc. However, our results indicate a contradiction between the reported phase transition order type and Scott’s mechanism. This issue will be studied in detail in our further work.
In this study, EA2CuCl4 shows an ECE with a broad temperature span below and above Tc, large coefficient p and β. The obtained results show a consistent ECE behavior with Jona and Shirane’s perspective in terms of the ECE existing both below and above FE phase transition temperature in EA2CuCl4. The ECE and pyroelectric studies in EA2CuCl4 suggest that the family of organic–inorganic hybrids can become a potential multifunctional material with the following merits: (i) low-dimensional crystalline structure, (ii) a wide temperature span of ΔS, and large pyroelectric coefficient p and β, (iii) easy-to-fabricate and easy-to-tune the transition temperature by modifying the organic functional group, and (iv) potentially multicaloric effect.[22]
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